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Directed by stanley kubrick. with tom cruise, nicole kidman, todd field, sydney pollack. a new york city doctor embarks on a harrowing, night-long odyssey ofual and moral discovery after his wife reveals a painful secret to him.

Collative Learning
In the late 1990s, stories about what was happening on the set of stanley kubrick's already-secretive film eyes wide shut constantly made headlines. everyone wanted to know what was going on

Sloan Bella
After dr. bill hartford's wife, alice, admits to havingual fantasies about a man she met, bill becomes obsessed with having aual encounter. he discovers an undergroundual group

Collative Learning
Posted by isaac weishaupt on mar 25, 2015 | 126 comments. the film eyes wide shut was stanley kubrick's last film, and he based it off the novella by austrian author arthur schnitzler entitled traumnovelle, or dream novella.it revolves around the difficulty of the protagonist couple played by tom cruise and nicole kidman as they struggle with themes ofuality, monogamy, and distinguishing

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----- int bill & alice's apt - living room - night it is a week before christmas. the tree is decorated and christmas cards stand open everywhere in the comfortable central park west apartment.

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Eyes wide shut è un film del 1999 prodotto, co-scritto e diretto da stanley kubrick, qui al suo ultimo lavoro come regista. È anche l'ultima pellicola girata insieme dalla coppia nicole kidman-tom cruise tratto dal romanzo doppio sogno di arthur schnitzler, il film uscì postumo negli stati uniti d'america il 16 luglio 1999 e fu presentato in anteprima europea alla 56ª mostra

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Eyes wide shut (ou les yeux grand fermés au québec et au nouveau-brunswick) est un film britannique-américain réalisé, produit et coécrit par stanley kubrick, sorti en 1999.il s'agit du dernier film du cinéaste, qui mourut avant que le montage final ne soit terminé. le scénario est fondé sur la nouvelle traumnovelle d'arthur schnitzler publiée en 1926.
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